Sep 21 / Todd

Our Tailgate Plea to Dr. Linwood Rose et al.

Warning: Serious post.  No pictures and few jokes.  Read at your own peril.

It has recently been brought to our attention through a number of sources, most notably the overzealous Rockingham Policeman who gave commenter Uncle Ron, his wife, and myself, all graying mid-thirties marrieds developing a bit of a paunch, the full on going over for quietly enjoying an adult beverage (in a Solo Cup directly behind our parking spot by the way) prior to the Morehead St. game, that the administration has apparently decided to issue a fatwa on even responsible tailgating.  For a guy who’s version of heaven is packed with lawn chairs and parlor games and who believes wholeheartedly that angels singing will sound like ice rustlin’ in a Coleman Wheelie, this just WILL NOT STAND.

Here’s the story, Dr. Linwood Rose remains President of the University, a position he has held since we were in school, when he replaced the legendary Ron Carrier.  Dr. Rose has often been accused of being anti-fun on every level, but then again, who wouldn’t be after the ultimate tippler and supreme supporter of JMU’s country club lifestyle, Uncle Ron.  He’s also been seen at times as particularly closed-minded about athletics, having presided over the firestorm of Title IX program shutdowns and never truly supporting the party atmosphere at many JMU games.  That said, it’s become tough even for me to cling to this viewpoint when you look at the meteoric rise of the football program, the contacts awarded to the coaching staff, the almost impossible-to-believe magnificent stadium expansion, and most important of all, the absolute 180 on gameday atmosphere that’s taken place since the 2004 Nat’l Championship and the Dark Days when we attended JMU.  Back then, you could casually stroll through even the Richmond game on your way to D-Hall just to check out the Band and Dukettes and hardly even notice there was a sporting contest going on.  “Tailgating” consisted of me convincing four or five friends to show up at my place, grilling a few hot dogs, and then two of us actually walking to campus, frequently distracted by better options like watching grass grow on Hanson Field.

Beginning with the run in ’04, the JMU gameday experience has completely transformed into my all-time favorite tailgating experience.  The two most important factors in my, and by antedoctally most other post-04 season ticket holders, frequent returns to the ‘Burg and renewed obsession with JMU Athletics are the play of the football team and the laid-back, idyllic tailgates.

Bu apparently last year’s out-of-control SpringFest Riots and the resulting shitparade of bad publicity has turned the adminstration into a bunch of teetotaling temperance advocates straight from the Dean Wormer school of dick.

Look, I’m going to give it time and see what happens, and to be honest, old man that I now am, I really don’t care if they’re cracking down on underage drinking in the student parking lots.  But a distinction must be made between underage hooligans with no interest in the game and alumni (even young alumni) and friends who are making a significant investment (ticket costs, drive to the game, food and bev before and after, hotel room, sweatshirts, Hello Duke Dog books for the kids) in Harrisonburg and JMU Athletics by attending the events and would like to be treated as responsible ADULTS.

Lastly, you CANNOT have it both ways.  If you want 25K Strong in the stands at the monster new stadium and to entertain dreams of FBS football and the accompanying rise in school prestige, you have to allow your alumni and fans to enjoy themselves.  NO one, not even Rob, who now that he brings his boys is often limited to a solitary cold one, is going to make that type of commitment to be treated like a criminal and have the letter of the law enforced at all costs instead of the spirit of friendship and goodwill I’ve found the JMU experiece to be full of the last few years!


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  1. Rob / Sep 21 2010

    Despite the fact that I’m just an old man, who is far removed from his college days, I’m actually pretty upset about the crackdown on student tailgating. Have their ever been major problems with the student tailgates over by the baseball lot? As far as I know there have not, so it’s crazy that they’re trying to eliminate them completely. As long as folks aren’t trashing campus, starting fights, drunk driving, etc then just let people have their fun. This is just an over the top reaction to the springfest debacle.

  2. Jamie Mottram / Sep 22 2010

    The JMU tailgates I went to last year seemed positively tame, at least compared to what I’m used to at Redskins games. The two are awesome in different ways, and probably should be left alone.

  3. Jeff / Sep 22 2010

    Each year I come back JMU manages to remove an element of fun from its tailgating experience. Last year, at homecoming no less, I was bringing a case of beer to my car when I was stopped by police and asked what I was doing (as if it wasn’t obvious) and was told that I could be arrested. I asked ‘what if I were just carrying groceries to my car?’ and was summarily told I had to leave the parking lot or would be arrested. It’s ridiculous and lowers my desire to drive down to Harrisonburg to attend anything.

  4. Mark B / Sep 22 2010

    Ditto to what you said. I sent a letter, with similar thoughts, to Rose and Bourne last friday. I have received no response. Curious to see what happens this saturday.

  5. Landeta / Sep 22 2010

    If the football program hadn’t grown leaps and bounds over the last 8 years there is no way JMU would have been able to expand the way it has. You have to recognize that current students are future donors. As is Linwood’s problem with all things; he seems to only handle the problem at hand, not anticipate the chain of events that will occur with his decisions.

    Amateur hour…

  6. JMU Rugby / Sep 30 2010

    It really blows. I was there for the Morehead game too. I’m a recent alum (’09) and still have MANY friends including one former roommate who still attend. We were casually drinking in the parking lot when a JMU cop and Sheriff came out of the SAME car and told us we need to get in our cars and drive home…wait, what? Get in our CARS?!?! Oh, great, lets make all of these kids who were acting calmly, but have consumed between 8-12 beers each get in a car and leave. I was going to write a letter to D-Rose, but I figured I would wait for the firestorm of shit to end so my letter might have that much more significance. Maybe it’s time…
    Oh and btw…i’m glad we got kicked out, we went up on the roof of the new 865 East building and I hooked up with a junior ZTA girl. Good times

  7. Robert / Oct 11 2010

    I think that this is honestly an assault on our pocket books more than anything else. We alums that are unwilling to donate to the Dukes Club and go to the lame-o sanctioned tailgate/picnic, are going to be hassled by the police and possibly fined… so either Linwood Rose says “All your cash, are belong to us.”

  8. Edgar Allan Broe / Oct 15 2010

    My JMU brothers and sisters,

    This aggression will not stand. We must revolt! Tomorrow is Homecoming and yet I am still at home in Maryland. Why you ask? Because the administrative fat cats of our beloved university have committed the greatest overreaction of this young century. My friends and I refuse to be punished for drinking legally, so we had to settle for going to the Towson game last weekend. There, JMU fans were treated like the kings and queens that we are. We drank, we were merry, and we were not harassed even in the slightest. We were also given the parking lot right in front of the stadium. Friends, it was simply magical. And so, I will now ask you to join me. We must unite and fight to take back what is rightfully ours. It shall be called the Adult Bevolution of JMU. Now, go forth into the night and spread the word to the Madison faithful. The movement will spread across this great nation of ours and gain more followers each day. Then, on whatever the blessed date may be for Homecoming 2011, the year of our Lord, we will march as one to the sacred baseball lot/lot by the tennis courts and win back our God-given right to become inebriated at a JMU tailgate! Viva la Bevolución!

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