OGL Weekly Roundup 4/16/10
So there were some positive JMU-related news items amidst all the coverage of last weekend’s debacle in Forest Hills. The Washington Post ran a great story on the “stratospheric” potential of former Duke Lindsay Czarniak’s career. No word yet on when they’ll be running a similar piece on the ceiling for Buckhantz’s ability to make Chenier crazy with old JMU stories.
Plus the stadium is really starting to take shape. If you haven’t checked in a while, make sure to check out Bridgeforth Cam. They have made the turn to the endzone and appear almost finished with this year’s structural work. Not sure how the crane’s going to get out without driving on the field. Renewed our tickets this week and are looking forward to the new seats already.
Speaking of new stadiums, the Diamond Dukes are starting to pick up steam at the new Veterans Memorial Field. They’ve moved into 2nd in the CAA after sweeping the W&M Griffins last week. Agent Steinzz’ take and the accompanying picture in the WaPo’s Sports Bog pretty much sums it up. Sometimes a picture really is worth 1000 snarky blog posts.
Mel Kiper has Arthur Moat’s going to the Skins in the 4th on his latest big-board. Might force me to finally move on from my Dexter Manley jersey and would be a concrete sign the Shanahan era is headed in the right direction. We’re still kind of hoping he goes a bit higher than that, but should be fun to hear all the heads spout off about JMU next week. Though the likelihood someone calls it Jackson State or George Madison has gone through the roof since Vinny Cerrato was added to the “draft insider” team.
Lastly, word is Coach Matthews is toting none other than QB 1/2 Drew Dudzik around to the Coach’s Caravan events so maybe that says something about the way things are shaping up in the infinite controversy. Or maybe it’s just his way of tricking overzealous alums like ourselves into shutting the hell up for a while this summer while the kids sort this out on the field.
Please let Kiper be wrong. Moats to the Skins would be hell for me as a NYG fan.