JMUSB Pod with Head Lacrosse Coach Shelley Klaes-Bawcombe
The latest JMUS podcast is live and available for your listening pleasure. In this episode, we welcomed JMU lacrosse’s all time winningest coach and JMU Athletics Hall of Fame inductee Shelley Klaes-Bawcombe. It’s a fun conversation that touches on Coach’s experience as both a player and coach at JMU, her scheduling philosophy, expectations for this year’s top 20 team, and how she and some of her fellow coaches brought a little sanity to the recruiting game. We also talk a bit about men’s and women’s hoops, before wrapping things up with some Super Bowl snack talk (it’s always food with us).
Thanks again to our podcast sponsor Pale Fire Brewing. Drop in for a beer next time you’re in the ‘burg.