Mar 24 / Rob

JMU Has a New Rock, Which is Nice

It’s come to our attention that there is a new group on campus that “seeks to create, enhance and commemorate positive traditions at JMU.” Evidently this group operated in secret before revealing itself as the Madison Society this spring. The same day the group made its true identity known, it unvelied JMU’s newest tradition, a “spirit rock on the east campus meadow adjacent to the new biosciences building.”  And don’t confuse the spirit rock with kissing rock, which was forever ruined by the most awkward ESPNU profile segment ever during the JMU-GMU game. The spirit rock is just a big old rock that members of the JMU community are invited to paint whenever they are inspired.

I’m sure lots of people are going to allege that it’s rather ridiculous for a group to arbitrarily launch a tradition out of the blue and force it on a community. And well, those people are absolutely right. It’s ludicrous. That doesn’t mean we don’t think you should paint the damn rock though. We’re dying for folks to paint it actually. Please someone paint “JMU Sports Blog” all over it and send us a picture. Seriously. We have nothing of value to give you, but we’ll put the picture on the blog and say nice things about you. And when you email us the picture please explain where east campus is, because I’ve never heard of it. When I was in school we just had campus. And we liked it that way.

Let me explain why we’re doing this. Because we are so are desparate for attention that  seeing JMUSB on a big hunk of stone will make us feel special. I wish there was something more to it, but that’s pretty much it. And I guess it wouldn’t hurt if this little tradition took off. As easy as it is to be cynical about a group like the Madison Society, I sincerely applaud their intent. JMU is somewhat lacking in the tradition department. Check out this list to see what I mean. Throwing streamers is legit, but a couple of those others are weak. Holding the door for strangers? Seriously? We’re claiming that one for JMU? Seriously? That’s just common courtesy. Are we also going to claim saying “bless you” after someone sneezes?

Go paint the damn rock people. Paint JMU Sports Blog on it and make us feel good about ourselves.


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  1. Jamie Mottram / Mar 25 2011

    “When I was in school we just had campus. And we liked it that way.”

    Now get off of my lawn!

  2. Ryan / Mar 25 2011

    How do I send you a picture? Whats your email guys?

  3. Todd / Mar 25 2011

    Ryan, that would be incredible. You can email us at

  4. Landeta / Mar 25 2011

    I would like to give a shout out to the VCU Rams. Not because I like the Rams but because they are making JMU and the CAA lots of CASH. Each game played in the NCAA tourney represents a unit. Units are rolled for a 6 year period so we are about to lose the Mason run of a few years ago but this year the conference has 7 units (and counting). Each unit is worth over 200k to the conference. So combine that with the previous 5 years and that is some serious jack for everyone. Obvioulsy more goes to the teams that earn the units but JMUstill benefits as well.

    So as much as it pains me I might throw on some black and gold tonight and start yelling…. SHOW ME THE MONEY.

  5. tedward / Mar 25 2011

    “we just had campus”… very funny.

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