Sep 19 / Rob

Guest Blogger: The Female Perspective

Amy1Amy Clark won last week’s prediction contest and earned the right to guest post. Here she shares her perspective on the gameday experience. Take it away Amy.

I will start by saying yes I am a girl that watches football and goes to all the JMU games when work allows.  My husband played at JMU and has been going to the games ever since.  So of course when we met and football season started he introduced me to the game.  Before I met him I didn’t even like football, but it turns out that was because I didn’t fully understand it.  Over the years I have learned enough to appreciate the sport and love JMU.  With that said, I’m still not knowledgeable enough to write about all the ins and outs of the game or all the stats of the Dukes like previous blog posts.  But what I can share with you is a little bit of a different perspective.  Watching JMU on Saturdays is probably much different for me than for you.  When I go to a game I see a lot more than just the football game going on.  For me there is a game within the game.

The first thing to notice is the cheerleaders of course.  The guys notice them first too and many times I will hear the men around me talking about and reviewing them depending on which outfits they are in.  Having danced in elementary and high school I can appreciate them for what they do (that includes the Dukettes) because I know what they do in preparation for the game isn’t easy.  I have to admit that they bring style to the game and something nice to look at.  As a woman it can be hard to hear the men next to me talking about them and breaking down their every flaw/attribute, but they are there to get our attention after all.  Are they not?

Another thing I find interesting is watching the wonderful band.  I know I especially look forward to seeing them.  It’s a nice break at halftime from all the yelling, fighting, hitting and anxiety that goes on before and after.  We all know there are some people that like going just to see the MRD’s.  According to my husband there was a time not long ago that the stands would empty out after halftime because the team played so poorly.  While that’s typically not the case anymore the band still helps give football spirit.  They also provide energy that can lift the crowd and team up no matter what the scoreboard says.

The other game I see going on is the one happening around me.  The couple in front of us who has not talked the entire game, the drunk guy behind us who yells at random times about things that make absolutely no sense, the girl dressed up way too fancy who looks bored out of her mind, the kids rerolling the thrown streamers, or the few people scattered between the rest of them who are really into the game and completely focused on the details.  I find it entertaining to watch and listen to all this going on around me.  I’ve noticed that all of them seem to have one thing in common, their passion for JMU.  Although the crowd is filled with people that don’t know the game rules, talk a lot, or are too busy with other things while at the game, they are still there and love JMU enough to be in the stands.

The joy for me when I go to a JMU game isn’t necessarily watching football (although I do love watching JMU kick some butt especially when it’s close) but getting to see everyone else’s joy and passion for either the game or simply JMU as a whole.  I love seeing my husband get excited and so involved in the game that he loves so much no matter the outcome.  He teaches me more each time we go and that has slowly turned me into a JMU football fan.  While I may never be an expert on the game I guess I was good enough to win the prediction contest (despite my husband’s belief that JMU would win it easily) and I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I appreciated my chance to write it.  Thanks!


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  1. Todd / Sep 19 2013

    Amy – Can’t thank you enough for reminding the die-hards that pretty much everyone who comes to BFS on Saturdays loves JMU and has made an effort to express that love! Just because they all can’t tell the difference between defensive schemes makes them no less valuable to the gameday experience. The constant nitpicking can get tiresome. Students, alums, friends, and family have all given up a good portion of precious fall Saturdays to come celebrate JMU. Sure we’d all like to see a rabid, full crowd in the last minutes of a close game, but it’s not the folks who’ve already made the commitment to get to the game who we should be criticizing. If anything, we need to increase demand from outside those that already attend and let the market take care of who REALLY wants to be there. Only way to do that is to win and keep building tradition.

  2. M@ / Sep 19 2013

    Loved the article. I must admit to paying most of my attention to the game and missing a lot of the other stuff…though the Dukettes can be pleasantly distracting at times. Nice to be reminded that there is a lot to the experience.

  3. 2004 Duke / Sep 20 2013

    “the drunk guy behind us who yells at random times about things that make absolutely no sense”

    Didn’t realize that was you sitting in front of me.

  4. Angel Morgan / Sep 24 2013

    Great write up Amy. Nice to see the paragraph about the MRDs of course!

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