Nov 7 / Rob

Guest Blogger: Two Time Winner

Amy guestJMU knocked off Villanova 31-21 last weekend and reader Amy came closest to predicting it. Thus she won the right to guest post, for the second time this season. Take it away Amy.

So winning the game score again has left me with trying to figure out what to say next to everyone on this blog.  As a girl that never has played the game makes it hard to go into depth about football.  I guess what I can tell you about is what I think about the few games I’ve been able to attend this season.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to see them all due to the fact that I’m a nurse that works night shift.  So based on the few I’ve been to here are some thoughts.

The Good Things:

Seeing the players come together as a team after losing games is always exciting.  Knowing that they lost the week before but for the next game they always move on and try their hardest.  I think it’s great to support a team that can lose a game and still come out for the next one believing they will win.  I also think it’s awesome when JMU gets those big penalties (like last week) and they still try to overcome them and use that added pressure to their advantage instead of letting it drag them down.  I know not everyone is proud of Mickey’s behavior during the games but I like it.  I know getting penalties put on his team because of his behavior may not be the best way to go about showing his passion for his team, but I do think that it shows how much heart the man has for his players.  During this last game it proved to me that he really cares about his team and that he was upset with the bad calls they were getting.  His behavior may not be what everyone wants to see, but at least he can show his emotion.  I’d much rather notice the coach on the sideline then not even know where he is during the game.

The not all that great things:

As a nurse sometimes it is hard for me to watch the players get hurt during a game.  I’ve seen a few of the players get hit and taken off the field.  Then I see them come back in and I worry about what extra damage they might get by playing hurt.  I know not all the players get hurt each time they are escorted off the field, but I do think sometimes injuries are overlooked for the “good of the game.”  I know my patients will lie sometimes about their pains and aches because they don’t want to be told they can’t do something.  Football can be a dangerous sport and I don’t have any answers to make it any safer than what we are already doing.  But I can say that I do worry about some players who get hurt over and over again.  The long term effects haven’t truly been studied by the medical world either.

The only other bad thing in my opinion is the lack of student support during some of the games.  I know as a student it isn’t always a priority to come to a game and stay for the whole thing, but the leaving at half time thing appears to be getting worse.  I went to a small private school in Ohio and I was pressured by friends to go to the basketball games.  I didn’t like basketball but there wasn’t much else going on anyway.  I’m betting that there is a lot more to do at JMU besides sporting events and that is pulling some of the fan support away.  As some of you have said though maybe a few wins will help.

Well that’s about all I have to say this time! I’m proud to be the girl that wins and has the privilege to post on here for all of you.



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  1. M@ / Nov 8 2013

    We do seem to miss the perseverance this team has displayed; though another word for that is inconsistency. I see enough of a glimmer to be optimistic about the future of the program (and that is not my natural state).

    I’ve been assuming the students have been leaving early to go study…

  2. David Chadwick / Nov 8 2013

    Why was there no guest blogger for the W&M game contest…

  3. Rob / Nov 8 2013

    Because W&M sucks 😉 Just kidding. It’s because the winner never responded to our multiple emails. It’s happened a few times this season. No biggie.

  4. Cory / Nov 8 2013

    Amy is right about injuries and returning from them too quickly. As a little league coach I can tell you that kids at that age are already learning that the worst thing you can do is miss game time because missing game time means you are weak or you will lose your starting spot. Teach them young and teach them right.

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