Sep 12 / Todd

Coast to Coast Coverage of JMU Over VA Tech

Waking up in a world where the Dukes are best team in the Commonwealth and you know you’ll have a few years to wave this over your in-laws heads (at least until they play again) is really something special. Thankfully, the Dukes have a bye week coming up so the boys will have plenty of time to come down from this, put it behind them, and get ready for Liberty (who also beat an FBS team yesterday in Ball St.).  And even better, we’ll have extra time to write sanctimonious stories about the Dukes and shower them with accolades here on JMUSB.  Not to mention crafting some new t-shirts related to being the Hokie’s Daddy!

But first of all, we thought everyone might enjoy a rundown of all the JMU love flowing out of commentators from Harrisonburg to Seattle yesterday!

One quick educational point for those of you discovering for the first time that your alma mater has made some real changes.  First, this is NOT the biggest win in program history.  Second biggest, and might be the one that sells out the new stadium next year (if they can follow it up with a strong season), but this doesn’t happen without the National Championship over Montana in ’04.  That was the spark that started the burn.  This was just a big, fat, barrel of gasoline being thrown on the fire.

Plenty of links and pics after the jump.

Great coverage from Mister Irrelevant, including the awesome Duke Dog statue pic here.

Get Some!

JMU band momentarily drowns out the Hokie press-conference.

Dr. Saturday’s thoughts on the win. Well done, although we’d disagree with JMU being called a “1-AA patsy.”

Coach Matthes and the Dukes arrived at Lane Stadium with 60 players the Hokies didn’t want; he left with several they could have used.

This is what happens when a win truly is unprecedented. Freshmen just run around aimlessly.

The Post says two weeks ago the Hokies believed they could win the national championship, now they have to wonder if they could win the CAA.

The incomparable Spencer Hall assesses the historical significance of the Dukes big win.

WHSV has the postgame story including a great video of JMU fans celebrating in a bar. This was Bailey’s in Arlington where I watched the game.  I tried to shoot video, but I really shouldn’t have skipped all those A/V classes.  Huge shout out to Laura C. and Kim T, two fellow ’99 alums I had the sincere pleasure of sharing this game with.  Also a big thanks to DC/NoVa Duke Club Queen Magoo for getting Bailey’s on board with the Dukes last year!  Even with no local t.v. coverage, Dukes fans outnumbered the stunned Hokies fans all afternoon!  I may hate a ton of things about Bailey’s (smoking section, bad food, cave feel), but they have really supported the Dukes and I’m always happy to watch the away games.

Fanhouse points out that JMU hadn’t beaten a FBS team since 1990, but the Dukes were the 5th FCS team to do it this year.

JMU students go nuts celebrating the win (with video).

I've waited my whole life for a win like this.

The LA Times points out the obvious, Boise State did not appreciate the Dukes’ win.

VA Tech payed JMU $400,00o for yesterday’s game. Jeez, how much would they pay for a win?

Full coverage of the big win, including audio and video, from

The NY Times blog, The Quad, weighs in on why Boise state lost without playing.

Nice picture of Leavander Jones’ outstanding play knocking the ball away from Jarrett Boykin in the endzone in the Boston Globe.

ESPN says that FCS over FBS equals one big mess.

The loss drops the Hokies out of the Coaches Poll, while JMU collects 11 votes!

Finally, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and tell your friends to do the same. Plenty of room on the bandwagon. Go Dukes!


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  1. Megan / Sep 13 2010

    I agree that the National Championship was a bigger game for the Dukes, but this win was lots of fun!

  2. JMUAlumni2000 / Sep 24 2010

    I also agree. The Nat Championship really sparked the JMU fans and it pushed the administration to focus on football. This win, however, gives us the national spotlight and hopefully the motivation to continue our focus on football.

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