May 25 / Rob

Announcing the Official JMUSB CAA Football Preview Extravaganza

The 2010 JMU football season is just around the corner and Todd and I have decided it’s time to get down to business. This week we’ll be kicking off the first Official JMUSB CAA Football Preview Extravaganza. I know, I know, it’s still 101 days until the season opener against Morehead State. That seems like a long way off, but it’s not. It actually equates to about 14 weeks and the CAA is a 12 team league, so we’ll preview one team a week, sprinkle in a few extra special posts, and before you know it, we’ll be tailgating and getting ready to open the new half-stadium.

Although the coverage has improved tremendously in recent years, it’s still tough for most fans to get good info on the FCS landscape in the preseason. That’s where the Official JMUSB CAA Football Preview comes in. We’re going to hit the road and visit teams, tap into our extensive network of inside-sources and scouts, and spend countless hours at JMUSB Headquarters breaking down game film. Either that or we’re going to summarize what we find on each program’s website and make the rest up.

We’re not sure what form the previews will take, but we will hit every team in the CAA. The series might not make you an expert on CAA football, but it should have you prepared to hold your own breaking the conference down at tailgate parties in the Fall. And if you already happen to be a legit expert on all things CAA football, then send us your thoughts and we’ll plagiarize the hell out of them. Check back later this week for the first team preview.

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