Jan 12 / Rob

Mike Fratello and the 1973 Dukes Are the New Hotness

Todd drew the short straw and is on the hook for writing about the loss to VCU. That gives me a free pass to ignore the debacle and do my best to pretend it never happened. And I can think of no better way to distract myself from the struggles of the 2011-2012 JMU basketball team than by looking at pictures of random JMU hoops teams from the 1970s. Fortunately, this little beauty of the 1973 JMU Men’s Basketball team was sent to us. And yes, that is TNT basketball analyst and former JMU assistant coach Mike Fratello on the far right. I’m not sure who the others are, but their pants are pretty fly. And I’m fairly certain we could slip Gene Swindle into the picture and nobody would notice.

Huge H/T to @bpmarkowitz for sending us this picture and a few more we’ll post later. 


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  1. Tim / Jan 13 2012

    Are those Globe Trotter pants?

  2. Todd / Jan 13 2012

    Far right?

  3. bpmarkowitz / Jan 13 2012

    Fratello is on the far right.

    Lou Campanelli and Sheman Dillard on the back left.

  4. Rob / Jan 13 2012

    Ugh. I am making tons of stupid mistakes this week. Fratello is the short dude on the right. I corrected the post to fix the error.

  5. William B. Twine / Mar 31 2020

    George Toliver is next to Mike. George was a long time NBA ref. A JMU grad ass’t and former player.

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